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Our Mascot

“SQUIRT” –  the skunk

Some years ago it was decided that the Village of Beiseker needed a mascot which would leave a lasting impression on tourists and identify our community in particular.  A public contest was held inviting ideas and drawings for a mascot.  As a result, “Squirt” the skunk was adopted.  Once the fun-loving caricature of “Squirt” was developed, plans were put in place for the construction of a larger-than-life replica of our mascot.  Our “Squirt” statue is located in our campground and stands 13 feet tall.  As well as the statue attraction, we also have a mascot street character costume which is worn at community events.  “Squirt” pins, key chains, t-shirts, hats, license plates, postcards and Beanie bags are available for sale.

Acme, Beiseker, Irricana Tri Community Enforcement Services is requesting proposals from companies to provide property clean up and lawn maintenance services on an as required basis. See Village of Beiseker Request for Proposal for more information. Deadline for submissions is 3:00 pm July 15, 2024,