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In the interest of public safety and as required by the Safety Codes Act, construction projects must be covered by all required permits ie. Development, Building, Electrical, Gas and Plumbing are subject to inspections.  Obtaining permits and calling for inspections ensures the work conforms to the applicable Codes and Regulations.  If a problem arises, such as an accident due to improper wiring, gas-fitting or structural integrity and the proper permits were not in place, insurance may not cover the cost of repairs or lawsuits resulting from an accident.

SOME projects that require Building Permits are:  any new building, alteration, addition or renovation to a building, the relocation or demolition of a building, change in occupancy of a building, mobile or modular homes, pools (above ground and in-ground), hot tubs, decks (new, addition or renovation), covered decks, sunrooms, basement development, wood, gas or coal burning stoves. 

Electrical permits are required for all electrical work, gas permits are required for all gas installations and plumbing permits are required for all plumbing work.
If you have any questions regarding permit requirements, call the Village Office at 947-3774.  Copy and complete the permit required and return to the Village Office – fax #403-947-2146 or email to [email protected]

Building Permit Application Form
Electrical Permit Application
Gas Permit Application
Plumbing Permit Application

Development Permit Application